Broken Hydraulics: Repair or Replace?

A hydraulic cylinders expert provides some guidance

Quite a lot of people asked if a broken hydraulic cylinder should be repaired or simply replaced. A hydraulic cylinders expert provides some guidance and explain the pros and cons of both approaches.

 If you own or renting hydraulic systems or equipment, it’s likely that you already have an idea of the cost involved in replacing or repairing certain parts of the tool. Below is an analysis of both repair and replacement to equip you with the correct information you need to make the right decision.


From time to time, the hydraulic cylinder might sustain damage leading to premature failure for minor reasons which are easy to fix. Lots of the parts that are manufactured to high standards can survive for years without requiring a full replacement, as only small repairs are necessary to keep the components working. However, it’s important to note that while these components are considered suitable to perform their tasks as required by the manufacturer, any additional stress exerted on cylinders, or the system as a whole is likely to reduce the lifespan of the whole piece of equipment.

As a result, fixing the cylinder may be enough if the damage is not severe. It does not make much sense to spend money on new equipment, without first understanding how the system broke down and which components are damaged. You have to know what the issue is with original cylinder before replacing it. Obviously hydraulic equipment works best with the original components. Therefore, it’s right for engineers to determine the issues with parts of equipment and repairing them to address the issue when possible; rather than just replacing a component when broken.

Sometimes the problem is so tiny that a 2-minute repair is enough to correct the issue and get the equipment functioning again. On the other hand, a critically damaged hydraulic cylinder may still not work properly even when repaired.


Replacements should be resorted to if the repairs are uneconomical or there is a worry about safety.

Sometimes, hydraulic cylinder repair is simply not possible and consequentially, the engineer needs to replace component to completely resolve the problem. If the issue turns out to be a big one and a simple repair is not possible, the whole hydraulic cylinder may need to be replaced. When the majority of components are damaged and the cost of repairing each part individually is more expensive than replacing the entire cylinder, this is especially true. Additionally, some working parts might turn out to be expensive to produce individually, meaning that it is more economically practical to replace the whole piece.

At HidroDeta, we are experts at repairing hydraulic systems. All refurbishment work is done to the highest standard in our state-of-the-art workshops. If it’s uneconomical to fix your hydraulic parts, we’ll let you know. Contact us for information on maintenance and repair.