HidroDeta is able to provide complete support in the development of hydraulic command and control systems that allow it to meet the essential health and safety requirements (RESS) of the Machinery Directive 2006/42 / EC.
The Directive prescribes that the control circuits with safety functions are designed and constructed in order to avoid the occurrence of dangerous situations and in particular in such a way that a failure in the hardware, in the software of the control system or in the plant hydraulics itself does not create dangerous situations for the operator.
The standard is a reference for the design of command and control circuits (SRP / CS) that allow the mitigation of risks for the operator is UNI EN ISO 13849-1: 2016. The standard specifies safety requirements and guidelines on the principles of design and integration of safety-related parts of control systems, including software design.
In this context, HidroDeta, making use of its technical skills in the hydraulic and mechatronics field, is able to propose solutions aimed at improving the safety of the systems by selecting the most suitable architecture and components to realize the safety function.
HidroDeta is therefore able to support its customers in the initial engineering phase during the analysis of type C product standards and the drafting of the risk analysis for the calculation of the required Performance Levels.
Once the required safety levels are known, the design of the system is subsequently performed by selecting the certified components which, appropriately coordinated, are able to meet all the technical parameters defined by the EN 13849-1 standard to achieve a certain performance level.